I was born in 1986 in Lanzarote – Canary Islands and, yes, I studied to pretend to know how fashion can be done, but, above all, I´ve been stubborn.! ! This story begins like so many others; a little girl, in a small town, dreaming… ¿What do you want to become when you grow up? Fashion designer; but what it had to be one more childish occurrence, became a goal. ! ! This girl spent hours entangled in ideas, fabrics and threads, trying to understand what she was touching. ! ! With the arrival of 18 years old, and with no other alternative than “become a designer”, she moved to Madrid and studied at Istituto European di Desing. I will not bore you with details. She finished her studies and, after typical swings of the life, she started to work as a stylist assistant. ! ! – Wait, wait, wait… but didn’t she want to be a designer?! – Yes! And she was, but how many times we think one thing and, let’s say that life surprise you with another?! ! Well, she started to work as stylist assistant with the great Jose Carlos de la Osa. She learned how to tell stories, but without words. Ah! You don´t know this, she loves stories. So, after many years working in fashion and advertising, she took the leap. Now… now she´s happy because she can tell her stories to clients like Peugeot, Burguer King, Samsung, Mcdonals, EDP, Papa Johns, Durán Joyeros… ! ! This storie is like others, but I love it because I´m the main character.